As more and more traditional business infrastructure is being migrated to the cloud, traditional enterprise security and common corporate security practices are no longer enough to keep networks...
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News Roundup: Week of Oct 6, 2019
TSA Releases Cloud Strategy 2.0 TSA’s Cloud Strategy 2.0 was released recently, “[calling] for a mix of public and private cloud” to properly deal with both sensitive and transactional data....
VNS3 Empowers 30-Minute HIPAA-Compliant IntelliGuard Deployment
IntelliGuard recently engaged with consulting group Six Nines to address the “scalability, flexibility, and cost optimization” of their Microsoft Azure deployment. “By moving to AWS, IntelliGuard...
News Roundup: Week of Sep 22, 2019
Feature Release of VNS3 Controller 4.8.0 We are very excited to announce the 4.8.2 release of our VNS3 controller! Version 4.8 includes a new API for dynamically configuring traffic monitoring on...
News Roundup: Week of Aug 19, 2019
Announcing the Launch of our New Documentation Site! We are proud to announce the launch of our new documentation site! Moving forward, this will be the new home for all of our documentation...
News Roundup: Week of July 30, 2019
Concerning CapitalOne's Security Breach The news about the CapitalOne security breach has been covered media outlets all over from the traditional to the security and tech-focused. AWS and...
Building Global Hybrid-Cloud Infrastructure Automation with Pipes and Python3
Building automation for foundational hybrid-cloud infrastructure deployments in hybrid cloud environments is hard. At Cohesive Networks we’ve helped our users build out networks that span...
Announcing AWS Quick Start Reference Deployment for VNS3
Want a HIPAA/HITECH compliant application deployed to AWS in minutes? Read on! We’re proud to announce the release of our first AWS Quick Start reference deployment for configuring and launching our...
News Roundup: Week of Jun 03, 2019
AWS Community Day | Midwest is Coming to Chicago! Cohesive Networks is excited to be participating in AWS Community Day | Midwest in Chicago this month! The event will feature a keynote on Community...
AWS re:Invent Recap
We’ve been heads down working on the 3 P’s for a number of months (products, presence, and people). As a result we’ve all but stopped our social media and dynamic content. We’ll look to emerge from...
Margaret Valtierra featured in “Business Data Security Tips: 40+ Experts Reveal Their Best Advice”
See the full article on Phoenix NAP : Business Data Security Tips: 40+ Experts Reveal Their Best Advice Margaret's Tip: Self-evaluate to keep pace with both risk and compliance Your business is...
Goldilocks and the Amazon m4.medium
Once there was a little girl named Goldilocks who used cloud computing. Starting out she launched a C5.18xlarge instance but at over $3.00 per hour, she realized it would cost more per month than...